Computer Worms in hindi:-
worm एक कंप्यूटर प्रोग्राम या वायरस होता है जो अपनी खुद की copy बना लेता है और दूसरे कंप्यूटर में spread हो जाता है।
worm भी virus की तरह ही समान होते है लेकिन worm स्वतन्त्र होते है इन्हें दूसरे कंप्यूटर में spread होने के लिए किसी person की आवश्यकता नही होती है बल्कि ये स्वयं ही दूसरे कंप्यूटर में फ़ैल जाता है। worms नेटवर्क का प्रयोग करके अपनी copy को दूसरे कंप्यूटरों में भेजता है।
worm नेटवर्क में e-mail, web page, तथा chat message के द्वारा आसानी से दूसरे कंप्यूटरों में फ़ैल जाते है।
Worm कंप्यूटर की बहुत ही crucial फाइलों को delete कर सकता है। Worm कंप्यूटर को धीमा कर देता है जिससे कंप्यूटर के प्रोग्राम काम करना बन्द कर देते है।
types of computer worms in hindi:-
कंप्यूटर worms निम्नलिखित प्रकार के होते है:-
1:-E-mail worm:- ये worm infect हुए ई-मेल message के कारण फैलते है।
2:- Internet Worms:- ये worm इंटरनेट में ऐसे कंप्यूटर को ढूंढते है जिनको infect किया जा सकता है। अगर ऐसे सिस्टम मिलते है तो यह उनको infect कर देता है।
3:- File sharing worm:- ये worm कंप्यूटर में ऐसे नाम से फोल्डर बनाकर save हो जाते है जिससे हमें शक भी नही होता है कि worm इस folder में स्टोर हो सकता है।
4:-IRC worm:- इस प्रकार के worm अन्य सिस्टम में message के द्वारा infected link भेज देते है। जिससे दूसरे सिस्टम में भी यह worm चले जाता है।
निवेदन:-अगर आपका किसी computer से सम्बंधित subjects को लेकर कोई सवाल या कोई topics है तो हमें बतायें हम उसको एक या दो दिन के अंदर यहाँ हिंदी में प्रकाशित करेंगे। तो देर किस बात की….
how to lost harddrive
this is helpfull for me sir you are god for me thank you sir sir syllabus
Database System Concepts and Architecture, Data Independence, Data Models, SQL: DDL, DML, DCL, Database Integrity, Normalization: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF, 5NF.
Advanced Transaction Processing and Concurrency Control:
Transaction Concepts, Concurrency Control: Locking Methods, Time-stamping Methods, Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control, Concurrency Control in Distributed Systems.
Object Oriented and Object Relational Databases:
Object Oriented Concepts with respect to Database Systems, OODBMS, OORDBMS, ORDBMS Design, Mapping of classes to relations, OORDBMS Query Language (representation of objects by create type, encapsulation of operations, inheritance, storing data about objects, retrieving, updating and query object tables).
Parallel Databases: Parallel Databases, Distributed Databases, Difference between them, Architecture of Distributed Databases, Architecture of Parallel Databases.
Distributed Databases:
Fragmentation, Replication and Allocation for distributed databases, Intra-query parallelism, Inter-query parallelism, Intra-operation parallelism, Inter-operation parallelism.
Backup and Recovery Techniques:
Backup and Recovery Concepts, Types of Database Failures, Types of Database Recovery, Recovery Techniques: Deferred Update, Immediate Update, Shadow Paging, Checkpoints, Buffer Management, Recovery Control in Distributed Systems.
Introduction to Pl/SQL: procedure, trigger and cursor.
XML and Internet Databases:
Structured, Semi Structured, and Unstructured Data, XML Hierarchical Data Model, XML Documents, DTD, XML Schema, XML Querying: XPath, XQuery.
Emerging Database Technologies:
Introduction to Mobile Databases, Main Memory Databases, Deductive Database Systems and brief overview of Datalog, Temporal Databases and brief introduction to TSQL, Multimedia Databases brief overview of respective query language and Spatial and Multidimensional Databases,.
network security
of Security, Basic Cryptographic techniques, Classification of attacks, Virus, Worm, Trojan Horse, Spam etc.
Symmetric Key Cryptography : Algorithm types and modes, Cryptographic Algorithms Asymmetric Key Cryptographic Algorithms, Digital Signature.
Digital Envelope, Message Authentication Code, Message Digest
Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) Authentication: Classifications, Mutual authentication Algorithms, Kerberos
Security in layers and domains: IPsec, Secure Socket Layer (SSL), E-mail Security, Electronic transactions
Introduction to Object: Object Orientation, Development, Modeling, Object Modeling technique.
Object modeling: Objects and classes, Links and Association, Generalization and inheritance, Grouping constructs, Aggregation, Abstract Classes, Generalization as extension and restriction, Multiple inheritance, Meta data, Candidate keys, Constraints.
Dynamic modeling: Events and states, Nesting, Concurrency, Advanced Dynamic Modeling concepts
Functional modeling: Functional Models, Data flow diagrams, Specifying operations, Constraints, Relation of Functional model to Object and Dynamic Models.
Design Methodology, Analysis: Object modeling, Dynamic modeling, Functional modeling, Adding operations, Iterating Analysis.
System design: Subsystems Concurrency, Allocation to processor and tasks, Management of data stores, Handling Global Resources, Handling boundary Conditions, Setting Trade-off priorities.
Object Design: Overview, Combining the three models, Designing Algorithms, Design Optimization, Implementation of Control, Adjustment of Inheritance, Design of Associations, Object Representation, Physical Packaging, Document Design Decision.
Comparison of methodologies: Structured Analysis/Structured Design, Jackson Structured Development.
Implementation: Using Programming Language, Database System, outside Computer.
Programming Style: Object Oriented Style, Reusability, Extensibility, Robustness, Programming-in-the-large.
UML: Basics, Emergence of UML, Types of Diagrams.
Use Case: Actors, Use Case Diagram, Relationships between Use Cases.
Classes: Class Diagram, Classes, Objects, Attributes, Operations, Methods, Interfaces, Constraints, Generalization, Specialization, Association, Aggregation.
Behavioral Diagrams: Activity Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Statechart Diagram.
Implementation Diagrams: Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram
References Books:
1. Rambough, “Object Oriented Modeling and Design”, Pearson Education, 2002
2. Bernd Oestereich, “Developing Software With UML”, Pearson Education.
3. BOOCH, “Object Oriented Analysis and Design”, Addison Wesley
4. Pierre-Alain Muller, “Instant UML”, Shroff Publishers, 2000
5. Booch, Rumbaugh, Jacobson, “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide”, Addison Wesley, 1999
6. Booch, Rumbaugh, Jacobson, “The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual”, Addison Wesley, 1999
7. Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, “Design Object Oriented Software”, PHI
Mobile hacking
कंप्युटर वायरस ‘worm’ द्वारा स्वयं की पुनरावृत्ति के लिए किस युक्ति का प्रयोग किया जाता है ?
1) Swap
2) Increment
3) Spawn
4) Swarm
worm vires kise banya jata h kya ye kishi aam comuter opretar awr kishi bhi pc ke liye banana smbhv h ya iske liye kisi alg trh ke pc ki jrurt hoti h
role of people in security: password selection, piggybacking, shoulder surfing, dumpster diving, installing unauthorised software/hardware, access by non-employees, security awareness, individual users responsibilities.
physical security: access controls biometric: fingerprint, hand prints, retina, patterns, voice patterns, signature and writing patterns, keystrokes and physical barriers.
Network security basics, model for network security.