BCA IVth Semester Examination personnel management exam paper
Personnel management exam paper
(Compulsory Question)
Q1. Choose correct/incorrect of the following:
- Selection of personal does not come under the function of personal management. (correct/incorrect)
- Personal management is significant for all type of organizations.
- Human resource planning deals only with the procurement source of personnel
- Job description refers to the condition laid down by the organization for a job.
- Training methods are categorized into on the job and Off the job methods.
- Job evaluation is to evaluate one job with the other.
- Behaviorally Anchored rating scales are a technique of performance appraisal.
- MBO refers to management by objectives.
- Promotion is considered horizontal action.
- Career development falls under human resource development.
- Give short answer of the following:
(i) What is the significance of the personnel management?
(ii) What do you understand by personnel management?
(iii) What is recruitment?
(iv)Define development.
(v) What is job evaluation?
- Briefly explain the function of personnel management?
Write a note on the organization of personnel department?
- Discuss the process and importance of human resource planning?
Explain the different selection methods?
- Discuss the different training methods?
What are the advantage of promotion ? Explain
- Comment the barriers of performance appraisal.
Briefly explain the different incentive plans