Hello दोस्तों! इस page में आपको Data Structure Notes in Hindi (डाटा स्ट्रक्चर के सभी नोट्स) हिंदी में मिलेंगे. नीचे आपको topics की list दी गयी है. यहाँ से आप कोई भी tutorial पढ़ सकते हैं. मुझे आशा है कि data structure के ये notes आपके लिए useful रहेंगे.
- Binary tree traversal in hindi
- डेटा स्ट्रक्चर में Tree क्या है और इसके types क्या है?
- Binary tree in hindi
- Threaded binary tree in hindi
- B-tree in hindi
- Height balanced tree or AVL TREE in hindi
- Applications of binary trees in hindi
- What is linked list in hindi?
- Stack in Data Structure in Hindi – स्टैक क्या है?
- ग्राफ क्या है और इसके प्रकार – Graph in Hindi & Types of Graph in Hindi
- Queue in Data Structure in Hindi – डाटा स्ट्रक्चर में Queue क्या है?
- Types of Queue in hindi
- Algorithm for ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE in hindi
- Data Structure in Hindi & Types of Data structure in Hindi
- What is array in hindi & types of arrays in hindi?
- Advantage and disadvantage of array in hindi
- मैमोरी एलोकेशन क्या है तथा इसके प्रकार क्या है?
- Data Structure Operations in hindi
- functions in “c programming language” hindi
- Sorting in hindi & types of sorting in hindi
- merge sort in hindi & its example in hindi
- heap sort in hindi & algorithm in hindi
- selection sort in hindi & algorithm in hindi
- quick sort in hindi & its algorithm in hindi
- insertion sort in hindi & its algorithm hindi
- Data Structure MCQ in hindi – multiple choice questions
- pointer in c hindi
- expression tree in hindi prefix, infix & postfix in hindi
- c operator in hindi & types of operators in hindi
- data structure searching in hindi & its types linear & binary searching in hindi
- BFS (breadth first search) in hindi
- dfs depth first search in hindi
- Spanning tree in hindi, prism and kruskal’s algorithm in hindi
- Splay tree क्या है? हिंदी में
- Difference between singly linked list and doubly linked list in hindi
- Array और linked list के मध्य अंतर (difference)
- Applications of Queue in hindi
- Hash table in data structure in hindi
- Applications of tree in hindi
- Applications of stack in hindi
- Collision Resolution Techniques in Hindi
- Open addressing क्या है? हिंदी में.
- advantage of linked list in hindi – लिंक्ड लिस्ट के लाभ
- लिंक्ड लिस्ट के अनुप्रयोग – Application of linked list in hindi
- Linked list operations in hindi
- what is Priority queue in hindi?
- deque (double ended queue) क्या है? हिंदी में
- लीनियर क्यू क्या है – What is Linear Queue in hindi
- implementation of queue in hindi – array
- Representation of linked list in memory in hindi
- what is asymptotic notation in Hindi – data structure
- Time Complexity and Space Complexity in Hindi – टाइम और स्पेस कॉम्प्लेक्सिटी
- Doubly Linked List in Hindi & algorithm
- Parameter Passing & Passing Arguments in Hindi
- Polynomial in Hindi – Data Structure
- Shell Sort in Hindi – शैल सॉर्ट क्या है?
- Radix Sort in Hindi – रेडिक्स सॉर्ट क्या है?
- Data Structure Notes PDF in Hindi – डेटा स्ट्रक्चर की पीडीऍफ़
- Circular Linked List in Hindi – सर्कुलर लिंक्ड लिस्ट क्या है?
- Abstract Data Type (ADT) in Hindi
अगर आपको ऊपर कोई tutorial या टॉपिक ना मिल पा रहा हो तो आप नीचे comment करके बताइए मैं उसे भी जल्दी डाल दूंगा. और आपका कोई suggestion है तो उसे भी आप कमेंट करके बता सकते हैं. इसे अपने friends और classmates के साथ जरुर share कीजिये.
इन्हें भी पढ़ें:-
contact me in whatsapp. 6395976262
sir ye notes avaiable ho jayenge kya
organization of data
Sir control structure ka topic nahi hai
आप इसे इस link से पढ़ सकते हो:-
sir congestion ctrl statement topic nhi hAI
Sir please provide all topics notes
exam preparation dsssb tgt
okay gulsan
Aap to supar Star ⭐ ho sir ji
Mujhe sir data structures ki pdf chiye hindi me sir ji mil sakti hai
Representatio using array and linked list
computer anudeshak rajasthan vacancy ke notes hindi me availble karwa dijiye
only computer ke basic instructor ke notes.
aapke notes mujhe achhe lage or me chahta hu ki aap jese logo ki wajah se hum nokari lag gye to bahut achha hoga so plz i req. you.
shubham nagar
add.- nainwa distt bundi rajasthan.
Thanks shubham, mujhe khushi hai ki aapko ye notes acche lage. ham koshish karenge ki aapko sabhi notes available karwa paaye.
Heap all topics nhi hai or search tree all topics nhi hai or hashing techniques all topics nhi hai sir please in सारे टॉपिक को अपलोड किजिए सर
आपके द्वारा दी गई जानकारी बहुत ही ज्ञानवर्धक और उपयोगी हैं। आपके द्वारा लिखे गये हर पोस्टद से हमें महत्वहपूर्ण जानकारी प्राप्त होती हैं।
sir calloc and malloc ka topic nahi hai
sir kya ye data structure in c++ ka hai pura topic
sir ye topic nahi hai
*Describe ways to implement stack.
*Make a BST for the following sequence of numbers and perform
Pre-order and Post-order Traversing 50, 33, 44, 22, 77, 35, 60, 40.
Internal sort and external sort
Nahi hai
Sir please Data science ke bhi notes banaiye na,mein baki saare subjects apki hi site se padhti hu,apke notes bahot hi ache se samjh me aa jate hain,aur abhi Mera data science ka paper hai aur iske Hindi notes nahi mil rahein sir please help kariye.
Thanks Laxmi, Data science ke notes abhi available nahi hai. isme machine learning data mining ke notes add kiye hue hai aap search krke padh sakti hai.
Sir English language me nhi ho rhi
Ms office ka notes chahiye