हेल्लो दोस्तों! इस पोस्ट में आपको Computer Graphics Notes in Hindi (कंप्यूटर ग्राफ़िक्स के हिंदी नोट्स) मिलेंगे. इसमें आपको बहुत ही आसान भाषा में सभी notes और tutorials मिलेंगे. नीचे आपको topics की list दी गयी है. आप किसी पर भी click करके पढ़ सकते हैं.
- Image processing in Hindi – इमेज प्रोसेसिंग क्या है और इसके प्रकार
- Computer Graphics in Hindi – कंप्यूटर ग्राफ़िक्स क्या है और इसके प्रकार
- Bresenham’s line algorithm in hindi
- Applications of Computer Graphics in Hindi – कंप्यूटर ग्राफ़िक्स के अनुप्रयोग
- Raster scan display in hindi and random scan display in hindi
- Display Devices in computer graphics in Hindi
- What is Bitmap in hindi – बिटमैप क्या है?
- What is Vector Graphics in Hindi – वेक्टर ग्राफ़िक्स क्या है?
- What is resolution in hindi – computer graphics
- What is Display processor in hindi – computer graphics
- graphics functions in hindi and standards
- Bresenham’s circle algorithm in hindi
- Region filling क्या है हिंदी में?
- Flood fill algorithm in hindi & boundary fill algorithm in hindi
- scan conversion in hindi & side effects of scan conversion in hindi
- Graphic primitives in hindi
- Point plotting in hindi – computer graphics
- two dimensional transformation in hindi
- Reflection and Shearing in hindi
- Composite transformation क्या है? हिंदी में
- windowing and clipping in hindi
- point clipping in hindi & its algorithm
- line clipping in hindi & cohen-sutherland clipping algorithm in hindi
- what is polygon clipping in hindi – computer graphics
- what is text clipping in hindi – computer graphics
- what is blanking in hindi – computer graphics
- Window to viewport transformation in hindi
- three dimensional (3D) transformation in hindi
- Wire-frame model in hindi – computer graphics
- z-buffer algorithm in hindi (hidden surface elimination)
- perspective and parallel projection in hindi
- what is vanishing point in hindi?
- animation in computer graphics in hindi
- Flat Panel Display in hindi – फ्लैट पैनल डिस्प्ले क्या है?
- Scan line polygon fill algorithm क्या है हिंदी में?
- DDA algorithm in Hindi – डीडीए अल्गोरिथ्म क्या है?
- Graphics Mode in Hindi – ग्राफ़िक्स मोड क्या है?
- Illumination model in Hindi – प्रकाश मॉडल क्या है?
- Homogeneous Coordinates क्या है?
- Coreldraw क्या है और इसके फायदे, नुकसान
- What is CRT in Hindi – सीआरटी क्या है?
- Computer Graphics PDF Book in Hindi Download
- ग्राफ़िक्स टेबलेट क्या है? – Graphics Tablet in Hindi
- Plain Text in Hindi & Formatted Text in Hindi
- Raster Graphics in Hindi – रास्टर ग्राफिक्स क्या है?
- Raster Graphics और Vector Graphics के बीच अंतर – Difference
अगर आपको कोई टॉपिक नहीं मिल पा रहा हो तो उसे नीचे कमेंट करके बताइए. मैं उसे जल्द से जल्द add करने की कोशिश करूँगा. और इसे अपने दोस्तों और classmates के साथ जरुर share कीजिये. जिससे की उनकी भी help हो पाए. thanks.
Sir please add the illumination model
and its type
Two graphical Input output device
1)display file structure in polygon.
2)even odd method and winding number method.
2 . What are the input and output devices use in computer graphics . Define it
Ans .
Please add Homogenous Coordinate System
Please add Homogenous Coordinate System
okay, i will add it soon.
hello sir….
i need sum hindi notes about mirror reflection, rotation about an arbitrary point.
Interactive techniques: Constraints, Grids, Gravity field, Rubber-band…please provide ..
thank u sir
okay, shivani.. i will try to add these notes. thanks
Graphics in multimedia explain plzz
Please add continuity condition in computer graphics in hindi
please add
1.color model
2. 3D geometry
3. 3D display technique
Write difference between gouard and phony shading