Hello दोस्तों! आज की इस पोस्ट में आपको Software Engineering & Testing Notes in Hindi (सॉफ्टवेयर इंजीनियरिंग और टेस्टिंग के नोट्स) हिंदी में मिलेंगे. नीचे आपको tutorials की पूरी list दी गयी है. यहाँ से आप कोई भी टॉपिक click करके पढ़ सकते हैं.
- Waterfall model in hindi
- Spiral model in hindi
- Software engineering in Hindi & Characteristics of software in Hindi
- Black Box Testing और White Box Testing क्या है?
- Feasibility study in hindi
- What is Prototype model in hindi?
- McCabe’s Complexity in hindi
- what is COCOMO in hindi?
- Software quality in Hindi – सॉफ्टवेयर क्वालिटी क्या है?
- What is walkthrough in Hindi?
- What is Inspection in hindi?
- What is Formal technical review in hindi
- What is capability maturity model(CMM) in hindi?
- TQM क्या है तथा इसके लाभ क्या है?
- What is Unit Testing in Hindi?
- What is integration testing in hindi?
- Importance of Software testing in hindi
- alpha & beta testing in hindi?
- what is recovery testing in hindi?
- what is security testing in hindi?
- what is software risks in hindi & types of software risks in hindi.
- what is equivalence partitioning & boundary value analysis in hindi? software testing.
- what is gray box testing in hindi? software testing
- what is basis path testing in hindi? सॉफ्टवेर टेस्टिंग
- what is SRS in hindi & characteristics of SRS in hindi
- what is data flow diagram (DFD) in hindi?
- what is case tools in hindi?
- stress testing in hindi
- what is RAD model in hindi?
- Software Engineering Question Paper 2023
- coupling and cohesion in hindi
- SAD MCQ in hindi multiple choice question
- what is build and fix model in hindi? and its phases
- what is software myths in hindi? software engineering
- what is V-model in hindi?
- system modeling in hindi & UML, types of system models in hindi
- requirement elicitation (gathering) in hindi and requirement elicitation techniques in hindi
- requirement validation in hindi (software engineering)
- Agile model in hindi एजाइल मॉडल क्या है?
- 4GT Model in Hindi – 4GT मॉडल क्या है? – Software Engineering
- software process and methodology in hindi
- टेस्टिंग टूल क्या होते है? – what is testing tools in hindi
- Advantages and disadvantages of using testing tools in hindi
- क्लाइंट सर्वर टेस्टिंग क्या है – what is client server testing in hindi
- Change Control in hindi – चेंज कंट्रोल क्या है?
- version control in hindi – वर्शन कंट्रोल क्या है?
- what is SPICE in hindi – software engineering
- evolving role of software in hindi (एक सॉफ्टवेयर की भूमिका क्या होती है?)
- सिस्टम डिजाईन क्या है? – What is System Design in Hindi
- Decomposition techniques in Hindi – Estimation
- Modular design in hindi & its advantage
- Software Maintenance क्या है और इसके प्रकार
- Object Oriented Design in Hindi – ऑब्जेक्ट ओरिएंटेड डिजाईन क्या है?
- Principles of Software Engineering in Hindi – सॉफ्टवेयर इंजीनियरिंग के सिद्धांत
- Design Principles in Hindi – Software Engineering
- Software Project Management in Hindi – सॉफ्टवेयर प्रोजेक्ट मैनेजमेंट क्या है?
- Risk Management in Hindi – software engineering
- Evolutionary Model in Hindi – software engineering
- Types of Software Testing in Hindi – सॉफ्टवेयर टेस्टिंग के प्रकार
- Human-Computer Interface (HCI) in Hindi
- Test Plan in Software Testing in Hindi – टेस्ट प्लान क्या है?
- Manual Testing in Hindi – मैन्युअल टेस्टिंग क्या है? – Software Testing
- Test Case in Hindi – टेस्ट केस क्या है? – Software Testing
- Need of System Testing in Hindi -सिस्टम टेस्टिंग की आवश्यकता
- Software Architecture in Hindi – सॉफ्टवेयर आर्किटेक्चर क्या है?
- Object Model in Hindi – ऑब्जेक्ट मॉडल क्या है?
- Types of Software in Hindi – सॉफ्टवेयर के प्रकार
- Software Design Process in Hindi – सॉफ्टवेयर डिजाइन प्रोसेस क्या है?
- Application Software in Hindi – एप्लीकेशन सॉफ्टवेयर क्या है?
- System Software in Hindi – सिस्टम सॉफ्टवेयर क्या है?
- Proprietary Software in Hindi – प्रोपराइटरी सॉफ्टवेयर क्या है?
- ओपन सोर्स सॉफ्टवेयर क्या है? – Open Source Software in Hindi
- Software Engineering & Testing PDF in Hindi – सॉफ्टवेयर इंजीनियरिंग और टेस्टिंग पीडीऍफ़
- सिस्टम प्लानिंग क्या है? – System Planning in Hindi
- Acceptance Testing क्या है और इसके प्रकार – Software Testing
अगर आपके लिए ये notes उपयोगी रहें हो तो इसे अपने friends और classmates के साथ अवश्य share कीजिये. अगर आपको कोई टॉपिक ना मिल पा रहा हो तो उसे नीचे कमेंट करके बताइए. मैं उसे जल्दी site में add कर दूंगा. अगर आपको किसी दूसरे subjects के नोट्स चाहिए तो आप उसे भी comment करके बता सकते हैं. धन्यवाद.
Where is System testing and its types?
Application of software engg. And components of software engg.
I am polytechnic computer science engineering student my hobby software engineering
Thanks for sharing this Informative post
Sir thanku for these notes
Line of code ,Function point k notes provide kra dijie plz sir
Engineer software hindi pdf
Water fall ka hindi kya hota ha issab ka bhi hindi likhkar bhejo
Software matrices
Structure chart symbol in software
OHA in Android
Event handling in Android.
Open source mobile technology in Android
Intent their type in Android
Threads in Android
Please available for 24 hourn
T 1:
1.1. Introduction to Software Engineering
1.2. Lifecycle
1.3. Process Models
1.4. Traditional v/s Agile processes
2.1. Development Activities
2.1.1. Requirements Gathering and Analysis
2.2. Design Concepts
2.2.1. Software architecture and Architectural styles
2.2.2. Basic UI design
2.3. Effective Coding and Debugging techniques
3.1. Software Testing Basics,
3.1.1. Unit, Integration, System and Acceptance Testing
3.2. Introduction to various testing techniques (e.g. Stress testing)
3.3. Writing and executing test cases
3.4. Quality Assurance
4.1. Project Management
4.1.1. Project management concepts,
4.1.2. Configuration and Release Management
4.1.3. Version Control and its tools (Git)
4.2. Release Planning
4.3. Change Management
4.4. Software Maintenance
Sir telegram ka name pata do pdf chiyee
Very useful information for me
UML is one unit in software engineering ..I.Want that full topic
sir python ya goland or rust ke notes wo h kiya